![Modern Vietnamese Stage 2 - Phan Van Giuong 1 Modern Vietnamese stage 2 - Phan Van Giuong [Learning Vietnamese book]](https://123vietnamese.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Modern-Vietnamese-stage-2-Phan-Van-Giuong-Learning-Vietnamese-book_Vietnamese-for-Beginners-3.jpg)
Modern Vietnamese Stage 2 – Phan Van Giuong
Name | Modern Vietnamese Stage 2 (Tiếng Việt hiện đại 2) |
Language | English & Vietnamese |
Physical Description | Paperback |
Author | Phan Văn Giưỡng |
Publisher | NXB Văn Hoá – Văn nghệ |
Published year | Updating … |
Price | Updating … |
Carrier Types | 2 CDs |
The book “Modern Vietnamese 2” is an outcome of the Innovative Languages Other than English in Schools (ILOTES) project, funded by the Language and Literacy Branch, Department of Employment, Education and Training.
This book accompanied by workbook and audio-cassettes, is the second in a series of the Vietnamese teaching materials for second language learners at the secondary school level. The materials are activities-based. A communicative approach is adopted in which the activity is the central focus of teaching and learning.
There are eighteen modules for two years of study. Each module consists of a variety of receptive and productive activities which aim to improve the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
This course assists learners to use Vietnamese in a variety of practical and real-life situations and to understand Vietnamese culture and society.
Students should use Part A of the workbook to assess their performance and Part B for extending exercises and activities on linguistic elements.
All instructions in this book are written in Vietnamese because students are expected to have finished the “Modern Vietnamese 1” or studied Vietnamese at least 150 hours before they start to use this book. It is believed that this process will advance students’ competence in Vietnamese.
I trust this series of Vietnamese learning and teaching materials will fulfill the growing need of students, teachers and providers of Vietnamese language study across Australia. I congratulate Mr Phan Van Giuong, the Project leader, and his co-workers for their foresight and diligence in producing an internationally unique set of Vietnamese language resource.
Professor Stephanie Fahey
Head, Department of Asian Studies and Languages
Module 1: Telephoning
Module 2: Family relationship
Module 3: Education on Vietnam
Module 4: Leisure activities
Module 5: Congratulations
Module 6: Vietnamese community in Australia
Module 7: Friendship
Module 8: Vietnamese heroines
Module 9: Review & Self-assessment
Module 10: Transportation
Module 11: Immigration
Module 12: Careers
Module 13: Banking
Module 14: Health
Module 15: Vietnamese folktales
Module 16: Main cities of Vietnam
Module 17: Vietnamese New Year’s Festival
Module 18: Review & Self-assessment
I wish to acknowledge the dedication and commitment of the Department of Employment, Education and Training who administered and funded this project as one of the Innovative Languages other than English (ILOTES) program. Particularly, I would like to thank Ms Anna Kamarul, Assistant Secretary, Language and Literacy Branch for her strong support in developing Vietnamese teaching and learning materials.
Very special thanks are due to Professor Stephanie Fahey, foundation Director of the Centre for Asia Pacific Studies and now Deputy Vice-Chancellor Monash University for her great effort and dedication to Vietnamese curriculum and teaching material development since the Centre for Asia Pacific Studies was established in 1989. It is now a key national provider of Vietnamese language and studies.
I am grateful to the members of the Advisory Committee for this project: Professor Stephanie Fahey, Ms Erol Byrol, Sister Marie Trần Thị Niên, Brother Võ Liêm, Mr Thong Phounirath, Mr Nguyễn Văn Nha, Mr Nguyễn Xuân Định and Mr Đắc Thái Nhương who have consistently advised and supported me in writing this book for second language learners in Vietnamese at junior secondary schools.
I am also grateful to Ms Yvonne Ware and Mr Nguyễn Hưng Quốc for their assistance in proof reading this book.
I would like to thank Ms Christine Marquet, Mr Đinh Hưng and Ms Nguyễn Thị Giáng Ngọc for recording the audio-cassette tapes.
Thanks are also due to Ms Lily Ludovico, Mr Trần Anh Kiệt, Mr Nguyễn Bình Trị, Mr Huỳnh Tấn Nhứt and Ms Phạm Thị Minh Nguyệt who worked so hard to complete this book.
Phan Văn Giưỡng
Senior Lecturer
Project Officer

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Giáo trình dạy tiếng Việt cho người nước ngoài (Trình độ A)

Giáo trình dạy tiếng Việt cho người Trung Quốc, Đài Loan

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Giáo trình dạy tiếng Việt cho người Hàn Quốc

Giáo trình dạy tiếng Việt cho người Nhật Bản

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Giáo trình dạy tiếng Việt cho người nước ngoài (Trình độ B1)
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