Vietnamese Alphabet Pronunciation: Best Way to Pronounce Vietnamese Letters
This article shows you the way you can learn Vietnamese alphabet. As we know, Vietnamese alphabet is very important because its structure is used in every day conversation. Without it, you will not be able to say words properly even if you know how to write those words. The better you pronounce a letter in a word, the more understood you will be in speaking the Vietnamese language.
How to pronounce Vietnamese alphabet in English?
Below is a table showing the Vietnamese alphabet and how it is pronounced in English, and finally examples of how those letters would sound if you place them in a word.
Vietnamese Alphabet | English Sound | Pronunciation Example |
a | α: | ‘a’ as in father |
â | ɜ | ‘u’ as in but |
ă | α | ‘a’ as in hat |
b | ɓ | ‘b’ as in big |
c | k | ‘c’ as in cat |
ch | t∫, c | ‘ch’ as in church |
d | z, j | ‘z’ as in zoo (north), ‘y’ as in yes (south) |
đ | ɗ | ‘d’ as in done |
e | ε | ‘e’ as in get |
ê | e | ‘a’ as in mate |
g | ɣ | ‘g’ as in good |
gh | ɣ | ‘g’ as in good |
gi | z, j | ‘z’ as in zoo (north), ‘y’ as in yes (south) |
h | h | ‘h’ as in house |
i | i | ‘i’ as in machine (north), ‘b’ as in bit (south) |
k | k | ‘c’ as in cat |
kh | kh, x | ‘ch’ as in the German Bach |
l | l | ‘l’ as in life |
m | m | ‘m’ as in man |
n | n | ‘n’ as in nice |
ng | ŋ | ‘ng’ as in singer |
ngh | ŋ | ‘ng’ as in singer |
nh | ɲ | ‘ny’ as in cranyon |
o | ɔ | ‘o’ as in hot |
ô | o | ‘oa’ as in boat |
ơ | ɜ: | ‘u’ as in fur |
p | p | watch video below |
ph | f | ‘f’ as in find |
qu | kw | ‘qu’ as in queue |
r | z, ɹ | ‘z’ as in zoo (north), ‘r’ as in ring (south) |
s | s, ∫ | ‘s’ as in sore (north), ‘s’ as in sure (south) |
t | t | ‘t’ as in stop |
th | th | ‘t’ as in top |
tr | t∫, ʈɽ | ‘ch’ as in church (north), ‘tr’ as in tree (south) |
u | ʊ | ‘oo’ as in boot |
ư | ɨ | ‘oo’ as in boot |
v | v, j | ‘v’ as in van (north), ‘y’ as in yes (south) |
x | s | ‘s’ as in sore |
y | i | watch video below |
Learning Vietnamese alphabet through Audio
You saw how a letter is written and might be pronounced, but there is nothing better than hearing the sound of the letters in a video or audio. Below you will be able to hear how Vietnamese letters are pronounced, just press the play button:
North accent:
South accent: